Let us not pretend and admit that without sex our lives would be void, sex is an integral part of our lives and the most enjoyable too. The link between food and sexual desire is much closer than we used to think. It is foods contain substances that increase sexual desire in women, and men also. The following list of products is known for these properties, so the better and more busy sex, you can add these foods in your diet.

Substances that increase sexual desire
Part of the bromelain contained in bananas. This element can increase the sexual desire, especially effective it works men. Also, bananas contain potassium and vitamin b, these components are involved in the production of sex hormones. Banana - improves sexual energy.
The Oyster has long been used as an aphrodisiac. They have a enzyme of dopamine. The property of this enzyme is that it is able to increase libido for both parties, while oysters are an excellent source of zinc. As you know, zinc increases the level of the testosterone hormone and increases sperm production.
Libido for men and women to add good Avocados. Avocados are rich in potassium and vitamin B6. Potassium increases libido in women, and vitamin B6 increases the concentration of sex hormones in men. The avocado also adds in men, the production of folic acid, which helps metabolize protein.
Another famous aphrodisiac is dark chocolate, it stimulates the production of endorphins. As you know, endorphin is the happy hormone which improves the mood and affect the pleasure centers of the brain. Due to the content of dark chocolate phenylethylamine in women and in men increases the sexual arousal. A substance that affects the brain centers and causes the feeling of love, because this feature is called the "substance of love"
Also don't forget ginger, which must necessarily be in the diet. Ginger stimulates blood circulation in the human body, stimulation of blood circulation, promote the quality of sexual intercourse.
Increase energy reserves in the body, maybe almonds, in addition, it increases libido in women and men. In particular, the scent of almonds can arouse a woman.
Celery contains a special enzyme - Androsterone. Androsterone is excreted in sweat. This hormone is a pheromone and attracts women, to arouse their sexual desire. Celery also increases the testosterone in men.
Garlic can increase the sexual desire and stimulate erections, because it increases blood flow. Due to the content in garlic special substances, the blood begins to actively move around the genitals, both men and women. Garlic is one drawback - the pungent smell. If you can't stand garlic flavor then you can consume it in capsules, it is the best option in this case.
Vitamin E, which include asparagus, affects the production of sex hormones.
Asparagus has a positive effect on sexual desire in women and men.
To excite sexual desire in women can figs, because it is quite a large number of different amino acids. Also in the composition of the parts of figs improve stamina during sex.
Enzymes Basil to enhance female libido and improve fertility in women.
Fish is rich content in large-group vitamins, which have a significant effect on the reproductive system. The best fish is Salmon. The increased concentration of vitamins B5, B6, B12.
Turkey, cheese, brown rice contains a large amount of zinc. As you know zinc affect the concentration of hormone testosterone. Testosterone affects libido in men and women.
Useful to eat liver as a substance, its composition, supports the immune system, which in turn affects the libido.
To increase libido can use herbs, such as ginseng, Ginkgo, arginine, Dong Quai. These herbs can be used in cooking or internally as a dietary supplement. Because of its ability to help treat women's diseases, the herb Dong Quai has been called the Queen of women's herbs.

Also to increase women's libido is affected by aromatherapy. Before the aromatherapy oils should be diluted. These oils can be used massage in the bath together with your partner. The aroma of essential oils to increase female libido.